Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Oh, am I so ALL OVER texting lol. What better way to tell the kids what chores to do without hearing the whining??? No, seriously, you don't know how good it is till you do it. We've had the unlimited texting package on our cellphone plan for over a year now. It just makes sense. $20 covers literally thousands of messages a month. I actually used to text my husband before I left work(when I was working until midnight and beyond.) so he'd know I was on the road and on my way home. As far as the NY Times article, well, duhhh. Adults should know better, teens need to be taught better. That's all part of that, oh I can do anything, nothing will happen mindset they get in their later teens. As far as text lingo, ehh, a bit. But you have to keep in mind that I was playing mmorpg's long before they were as popular as they are now, and texting lingo has actually evolved from there. We were "leet" and "noobs" long before texting was even on the horizon. LoL, we've actually had a dinner conversation, where we had older relatives with us, and after we'd finished the conversation, they looked around and said, "OK, we have absolutely NO idea what you guys all just said." It was like we were speaking a different language. I think the next step in texting should be speech to text... it would go like this. I hop in my van, turn it on the blue tooth kicks on. I say"send text to Daddy" then, my blue tooth would take my speech (Hey, do we need anything at home) and convert it to a text. Then I say "send" and it does so. Incoming text messages would be transposed to speech as well, so I wouldn't have to read his reply at a red light. Speech to text already exists, I think it just needs a little finetuning in order to be used in this manner. Robby the robot voice just doesn't cut it.

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